What are the parallels between finding your literal voice and finding your personal voice – the voice that links you to your purpose, power, and work in the world? Read on …
voice power, personal power,life force,life purpose,vision,energy,beliefs, connection,world work
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When I opened my mouth to sing, my voice caught in my throat. The phlegm and irritation of a passing bronchial infection was still there. My voice was gravelly and strained from several days of coughing. And the process of singing wasn't much fun. The sound coming from my body wasn't me. I cleared my throat a couple of times, but it was still rough.
Instead of pushing, I lessened the pressure on my throat and kept singing lightly, watching and waiting for my sound to show up. I breathed deeply, imagining the sound coming up from my center. Gradually, the sound smoothed out until I was singing with the connected sound I know to be me.
Standing there, experimenting with finding my voice, I started thinking about the parallels between finding my singing or speaking voice and finding my symbolic or metaphorical voice.
The physical voice flows from a connection between breath and vocal chords. The metaphorical voice is a unique relationship between a person's values and vision and how they are expressed in action. When I "find my voice," I find my sense of purpose. I know what I'm about and express myself with much more ease.
When I lose my voice, I can find it again in ways similar to the process I use to regain my singing voice:
As Martha Graham suggests, find the vitality, the life force, and the energy that is your voice. With practice, it will become powerful and effortless.
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